Embattled Lang’ata MP Felix Odiwuor alias Jalang’o, is now contemplating suing Azimio Leader Raila Odinga’s ODM for expelling him from the party over his association with […]
I will Still Win The Langata Parliamentary Seat As an Independent Candidate, Raila is just useless, Im the one who made Raila to be who he is-JALANG’O
ODM kicks Senator Malala out of Deputy Minority Leader job For Being Disrespectful and abusy body
The Orange Democratic Party (ODM) Wednesday ousted Senate Deputy Minority Leader Senator Malala of Amani National Congress (NAC) and replaced him with Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo. […]
SHARLET MARIAM runs back to RAILA and begs for forgiveness after being dumped by RUTO – Is she a dead weight?
Sharlet Mariam has rejoined ODM, just months after resigning from the Raila Odinga-led party, to join Jubilee. Speaking on Tuesday, Mariam announced that she had resolved […]
Defiant Ruto hosts independent Msambweni candidate Even aafter Jubliee Pulled out of the By-Election as Jubilee backs ODM aspirant, Tamaa iliuwa fisi
After the announcement, Ruto said he wanted the Party to field a candidate for the Msambweni by-election. •But on Thursday, Ruto met an independent candidate Feisal […]