Sheila Ngugi, an employee of Equity Bank Ol-Karou Branch, is being accused of killing her husband Joseph Mwai
Ngugi visited Sheila on the evening of 1st September, only for him to lose his life under controversial circumstances.
The two separated a while back when Joseph lost his job as a Veterinary officer at a local cooperative society.
However, he would visit her since he left all his household items with her when he moved out.
On the fateful evening, at around 8:00pm, Sheila called Ngugi’s parents in Ndaragua and informed them that their son had taken kerosene in an alleged suicide attempt.
His parents pleaded with her to take him to the nearest hospital since they were far, with a promise they would come in the morning.
Sheila however insisted that she couldn’t take him to hospital since she didn’t have the means despite living near JM Memorial Hospital.
Besides, 8:00pm was relatively early and she could have hailed a taxi or even a bodaboda.
Concerned about their son, Ngugi’s parents called Sheila at around 10:00pm enquiring if she had succeeded in rushing him to hospital. She assured them that he was okay and was in a sound asleep. Then at exactly 2:20am, Sheila called them again and this time she broke the devastating news that Ngugi is dead. She proceeded to Ol-Kalou police station to report.
According to an OB entry No.03/02/2023, Sheila reported that Ngugi had taken poison in her house.
With her was a small container that she alleged contained the said poison. Ngugi’s body was hurriedly moved to JM Memorial Mortuary by Administration Police Officers who were not on duty at the time.
Ordinarily, the scene of crime ought to have been secured by the scene of crime officers, relevant evidence collected including the pictures of how they found the body.
The police officers who moved the body are APs normally attached to Equity Bank Ol-Kalou branch and the mortuary inventory at JM Memorial reveals this.
The following morning, 2nd September, Sheila and her aunt, who is said to be a well-connected wheeler-dealer, proceeded to draw an affidavit declaring that Sheila and Ngugi’s parents had no intention of and did not wish to have a post-mortem done. In the affidavit drawn and witnessed by Murigi Kamande & Associates Advocate, Sheila claims that she and his family had come into terms that Ngugi committed suicide by hanging.
This affidavit was drawn behind the back of Ngugi’s family.
Interestingly, the OCS commanding Ol-Kalou police station received this affidavit and proceeded to give the ‘main suspect’ the burial permit in the absence of Ngugi’s parents or relatives.
However, the postmortem was done after Ngugi’s parents and friends smelled foul play and the deliberate coverup.
The postmortem report is not only shocking but it clearly shows Ngugi never committed suicide. According to the autopsy report, there were traces of the said poison in his body, however, the poison had not been absorbed into his bloodstream nor reached vital organs to cause death.
The poison got into Ngugi’s gut when he was long dead.
Besides, the report revealed that Ngugi had injuries all over his body. Lacerations on his hands, face, and back clearly show he died fighting for his life. During the postmortem, a mortuary attendant confirmed that when the body was brought in, the clothes of the deceased were full of poison and smelling strongly.