Controversial comedian and events MC, Felix Oduor, who is popularly known as Jalang’o, has formed a ‘Boys Club’ group on WhatsApp with his close male friends, where they brag about their sex escapades.
They lure city slay queens to bed with their flashy guzzlers and lavish lifestyles that they display on social media.
The sex starved ‘Boys Club Members’ book private apartments in the city to carry out their secret escapades since most of them are married men.
They have been posting photos of the slay queens that they have lured to bed in the group and ranking each other according to evidence posted.
Currently, Jalang’o tops the list after smashing so many women and posting the evidence.
Shockingly, some of the ladies posted there are married but they meet Jalang’o and his boys in private apartments for sex without the knowledge of their husbands.
We understand that one of the guys in Jalango’s randy ‘Boys Club’ got married last year through a lavish white wedding and he is busy cheating on his wife, less than a year after they got married.
See the leaked screenshots from Jalango’s Boys Club on WhatsApp where they discuss about their sex escapades.
Here’s one of the members of the boys club sharing a photo of an apartment in Kilimani which he had booked for Ksh 4,000 for his sex escapades (he calls it quarantine base).
Other members share photos of the slay queens they have smashed (the woman clad in Kitenge is reportedly married).
Jalango also posted some of the slay queens that he smashed in the boy’s club group.
He also posted a photo of a slay queen relaxing on top of his Land Rover before he took her to a rented apartment for sex.
More members post photos of the women they have feasted on in the Boys club.
Currently, Jalang’o tops the list in the boy’s club as the number one woman eater.